Visit of John Paul II

11 May 1986 was a special date for the Opera Santa Teresa: on the occasion of his pastoral visit to Romagna, welcomed by Archbishop Monsignor Ersilio Tonini, John Paul II visited Don Lolli’s charitable foundation and stayed there overnight (10-11 May). This was a great honour for the Opera and for all its members. The director, Don Matteo, the superior general Sister Maria Teresa Grilli, the Sisters of the religious Family, the volunteers and all the residents of the house spent a long time in his company, in congeniality and blessing. To allow the sick to take part, they were brought into the church complete with their beds.
The pope prayed at Don Lolli’s tomb and expressed his gratitude and profound support to all those present.

I am glad, at the start of this day, to have been able to visit some departments of this “Ospizio Santa Teresa”, desired and brought into being by Don Angelo Lolli. Of him, docile instrument of the Lord as an example of total devotion to the suffering, I think with gratitude.
John Paul II, to the members of the Opera Santa Teresa, 11 May 1986

“May the Lord grant that you keep in good order this great legacy of your Founder, and grant that you continue in the same spirit. In order to continue you need strength from the Spirit, you need fidelity, you need vocations too!
So I wish all this for you and also for the brothers and sisters and the collaborators of this Opera. Thank you, with all my heart. The Church of Ravenna needs you! Perhaps even more than Ravenna! Thank you for your hospitality.”
John Paul II to the Sisters of Santa Teresa, 11 May 1986